Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dawn Of The Dead

OK, most people have seen the new Dawn Of The Dead, but few have seen the original by George Romero done in 1978. While I like the newer version because it is a lot more interesting, looks spectacular, and is in general a great zombie movie that others should look up to, I also love the original. The original had great camera angles, awesome directing, and just over-all a great movie. I've seen it a few times now and always laugh at how the zombies are in it. All of the zombies have minimal make up (mostly just dark blue around the eyes and pale skin), and cheesy blood.
The one part that I don't like about the movie is how lazy the zombies are. This movie portrays zombies as push overs (literally), super slow, and as dumb as possible. As slow as these zombies are people still manage to get eaten by them just by being stupid. I also get confused by the movie because at times it seems like they are supposed to be hardcore zombies, but then characters will start to make fun of how slow they are, and that they can easily kill ten of them at once.
While I love the original Dawn Of The Dead because it was such a different concept for it's time, however the fast paced action of the new version is also an epic movie. For being made in the late 70's it's an excellent looking movie and definitely a movie any zombie fan should see.

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