Thursday, November 22, 2012

Macy's Day Parade

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope everyone is having a good vacation and relaxing with family and friends from home.

So, the annual Macy's Day Parade just ended. I watched most of it while doing some last minute cleaning and homework and watching it for the first time since being at school (I missed last year's), I had a whole new appreciation for the entire thing. After reading Rebecca's post earlier this week, I kept those little notes in mind. I can't even imagine directing something so massive. Deciding which of the twenty-two cameras would capture the perfect image in a split second? That's a lot of cameras to choose between.

The parade had the normal host of musical performers, many of whom seem to be popular, that I've never heard of, along with those I have. But the thing that caught my eye the most was how, every float had some different character, logo, or commercial something on it, with most recieving a line from the announcers about how, "so and so was brought to you by this company or that company."

The culture in America has always been very commercial. I remember stories that my grandmother told me about waiting every week for her Life Magazine to tell her all the newest fads and products. And while this commercial culture is a huge part of entertainment in America, I can't help to think that it's becoming a larger and larger part.

This year has been the one to showcase the creeping times of "Black Friday." Our need to consume has started encroaching on the holiday that has been reserved for family and thanks. K-Mart opened it's door Thanksgiving morning, selling out of some of the biggest deals by the time I woke up this morning. Others are opening at 8, which, doesn't seem that bad, as it still gives families time to have their feast and spend time together. However, if workers need to be at the store by 5 or 6 to set up, they have to start getting ready around 3 for work, which completely kills any chance they might have of having a relaxing day with their family. The majority of stores open at midnight, which is still earlier than the previous years' opening times of 2am or 3.

How early are these times going to be pushed up? Will it get to a point where this peaceful holiday is obliterated for the more stressful Christmas season? I hope not.

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