Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia

One of my favorite television shows of all time is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is a show on FX that is based off of a group of friends that own a bar together in Philadelphia. Outside of that basic plot line the show is not about much other than the characters themselves. When i asked a friend of mine a few years ago about the show and what it is about he explained it by saying "The show is about literally nothing. Its just about all the characters and how horrible they are as people." This description of the show is very accurate. Each episode is titled "The gang ______" They are very short and to the point explanations of each episode. This shows that the show is based around the characters and how they react to given situations as opposed to an actual continuing plot line. The show does not offer much in terms of a continuous plot other than several recurring characters who most of, if not all share one common thing. There lives have gotten considerably worse since there first interaction with the gang and they continue to get worse after every encounter. For example one of the recurring characters is Rickety Cricket. He started off as a priest who was in love with a member of the gang, Dee. In the most recent season, Cricket is shown as a homeless street rat who agrees to wrestle in a tournament against the gang just so he can throw sand in there eyes and beat them up as best he can. One of the reasons why this show is one of my favorites is because of the lack of continuous plot. It is a very character driven show and that is shown all the time. For those who have seen all of the seasons of It's Always Sunny know a lot about the characters themselves and the weird psyche of each character. One can almost geuss what they are going to do next by now. Not to say that they are predictable, but for someone who has seen a few episodes understands each character a little more. I have found that it is these types of character driven show's and films that i am more drawn to. They are a wonderful style of storytelling and what that i hope i can help make happen some day.

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