Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is one of the biggest hits of my childhood and will forever remain on my favorites list. As of right now it is ranked 15/72. It's hard to beat that! The first time I saw the movie I was very young and it immediately became one of my favorites. My best friend in grade school and I always used to quote the movie and I and much of my family still do. If you haven't seen it. Go SEE IT RIGHT NAHHH!! *swift kick in the rear*. At first the movie wasn't a big hit, but once it took off it made history in my life. It is actually based from a book there are at least two versions of the book. The story was a very old one passed down from generation to generation. The man who the young boy in the movie is supposed to be portraying, rewrote the story and released it to be made as a movie, his name was William Goldman. His grandfather read it to him as a boy and his great grandfather read it to his grandfather etc. When he re-made the story he shortened it by a lot because the original book was excruciatingly long and bogged down with unnecessary dialogue. The story was originally written by S. Morgenstern. Goldman finally read the entire book with out the cuts and discovered that when his uncle or grandfather was reading it to him he left out a lot of the story.
If you're not convinced that it is an awesome movie yet then I dont Know what to say you must be some kinda of non-movie-going-......thing.

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