Sunday, October 2, 2011

Call Sheets

Today we are shooting and I thought it would be a good idea to do a post about call sheets. Call sheets are super important, especially the larger and more complicated your production is. In its most basic form, call sheets have the time and location where each member of your shoot needs to be. In addition to this, call sheets typically have contact information, scenes and script pages that are being shot. Large productions have very detailed call sheets that include information like weather, sunset/sunrise times, nearest hospitals, and restaurants. Call sheets could also include transportation arrangements. I know so far those of you reading this are probably only doing fairly small productions but I would recommend trying to use call sheets on your next shoot. You will probably find out how useful and time saving they really are. Below is a copy of a actual call sheet from boardwalk empire that I got from one of their crew members last year.

(note: there are two copies of the second page to show the bottom that was being cut off)

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