Sunday, October 23, 2011

Schweddy balls

I noticed on the news last week that besides Ben and Jerry's having a new limited edition ice cream,  it was dedicated to the old christmas skit of SNL about Schweddy Balls!  Not only was this skit amazing because it pushed the boundaries of television, but it is insanely funny because the spoof takes place on a fake set of NPR.
This is a classic SNL skit that I have NO idea how someone finally got the "balls" to put into an actual product!  This is a MUST see for any SNL fan, and Alec Baldwin is just as amazing as he is on 30 Rock.

Apparently the name of the ice cream has caused problems with grocery stores in the U.S. because it's too much of a "locker room" joke for children.  I agree with the logic, but the name's spelling is so different from the actual meaning that I'm sure any child young enough to not understand, won't be affected by a carton of ice cream.  An orginazation called One Million Moms was one of the groups trying to get the name changed for the limited edition flavor, and it's conservative views were enough to change the minds of many east coast grocery store chains from accepting the new item. 

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