Sunday, October 2, 2011

music over a series

Soooo i really hate M Night shyamalan. You might say "Mack hate is a strong word, can you really feel that way about a person you've never met?" and i say yes, because he ruined part of my childhood and a great tv show when he wrote and directed the movie Last Air Bender. I still have trouble talking about it. It was so bad that they didn't even pronounce the name of the lead character correctly. any who's Avatar was a great show and on of the parts about it that made it great was the music, each character had its own theme and action and drama would have its own music that was set for it. Over time this music would become familiar to the audience and would set the tone for what was happening.  he are some samples of the music, they really help fill out the story and create a richness that worlds alone can't do

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