Monday, October 10, 2011

Parody or Advertisement?

My question this week has to do with advertising. I'm sure if anyone has watched a Nickelodeon show semi-recently, they have seen the "Pear" computers that the main characters use. Clearly, this is a parody on Apple computers, which they use possibly because they didn't feel like going through Apple to use their computers, but my question is that since everyone clearly knows that the computers are parody-ing Apple, is it really a parody, or a simple and hidden advertisement? I tend to think that it's almost product placement, because not only did they copy the idea of having a symbol on the back of the computer, it was a fruit that looks very much like an apple. I guess my question would better be answered by going to people who know about advertising and product placement, but it's something that's always made me curious.

1 comment:

Steph Primavera said...

I don't think they mean it as a hidden advertisement... if Nickelodeon wanted to somehow advertise for apple they'd certainly demand some sort of support from them and then apple would probably just give Nickelodeon their computers to use!

However - I bet apple doesn't mind that they use pear computers! It certainly makes the viewers think of apple computers either way!