Sunday, October 2, 2011


My new favorite show on TV right now is MTV's Awkward. It has some kinks that it needs to work out but I just can't stop watching. It's about a high school sophomore, Jenna, who is (you guessed it) a little awkward. I'm not a fan of how the series starts out... when she reads a nasty letter instructing her on how she needs to improve herself, she has an accident that makes it look like she committed suicide... a little far fetched but whatever.

Besides that and a few other little things, this is easily the best high school scripted show I've seen in years. You knew all of the characters in high school, and you want Jenna as your best friend. Her problems are real, and you cringe right along with her during all the awkward moments that happen to every teenager in high school.

One of the best characters in the series is Sadie, the mean popular girl. She's a little over the top but she seriously combines every mean girl I ever knew in high school into one hilarious character and coined the series's catch phrase... 'you're welcome'.

Every episode has me laughing and rooting for Jenna, especially in things concerning her popular crush, Matty.

So if you decide to try Awkward out... I promise she's out of the stupid brace by the second episode! But you'll probably be hooked right away just like I was!

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