Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Different Interpretation of Film

The Saturday of fall break I spent the day with my old marching band, and this year I've taken a special interest in their show because their title this year is "The Silver Screen." The songs they're performing are 20th Century Fox Fanfare, Robin Hood, Smile, Marimba Rag, and Hooray For Hollywood. They take a different approach to looking at the history of film and different styles and effects of those films, and portray those effects on the field.
While my friends back in high school might rather focus on the technical aspects of the show, I sat on the sidelines with the instructors seeing a completely different show. And it's just hitting me now what the real point of the show is; the music. The entire show is designed from the musical selections, and those musical selections are landmarks because they affected a mass audience and became pieces that most people can recognize easily. And instead of the music becoming the foundation for different shots and scenes, in this instance they became the foundation for designs on the field, flag designs, body movements, dance, and emotion in the performers.
This weekend is their championship competition, so once the season is over I'll try and update this post with a video of the show. (I can't publicly post videos of the current season's show until the season is over.)

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