Friday, October 12, 2012

Revolution on NBC

I would also like to talk about Revolution this week. I started watching it about a week ago and I am not caught up with all 4 episodes thus far, and I have to say that I am enjoying it. The Pilot episode felt a bit rushed but it got a lot better from there. The Pilot wasn't bad, it was just they dove in head first with all of this information and and background info and what happened and why it happened (the power going out) and how everyone came to be. As someone who is into VFX, the one thing I was disappointed in was the plane crash in the beginning, it just looked odd, I feel like that is not how a plane would crash. Besides that, all of the matte painting and set extensions look incredible and they really made it feel as though you are in post apocalyptic America.

Another thing that I had a problem with was the look of some of the characters. Some of them look as though they just had a haircut and just put makeup on and have no cuts or blemishes whatsoever. I mean, it is after all 15 years after the power went out so they may have figured something out. But that does not take away from the story and what is happening so I can overlook that pretty easily.

Something that I really did like was the action sequences and the build up for a lot of them. I think they made the audience feel suspenseful during many parts and had enough action to entertain anyone and still have a good story.

It was recently picked up for a full first season of 22 episodes so obviously it is getting some good reviews considering that most TV shows don't even make it past their first season. I am going to try to watch every episode of the season and see how it turns out. Who knows, maybe it will become the next big thing.

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