Friday, October 26, 2012

Iron Man 3

While browsing Youtube earlier this week I was excited to see an early trailer for Iron Man 3. As a huge Iron Man and Marvel fan, I’m looking forward to the film’s release and hoping that it will be a strong addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

The trailer indicated that the film’s story is based mainly on the “Extremis” story arc from the Iron Man comics. The arc involves Tony Stark becoming infected with the Extremis virus, a serum comprised of microscopic nanomachines that “rewrites the body’s repair center” in order to have the subject become a super soldier. The results vary for each subject, and for Stark the Extremis virus causes him to develop a technological link with his Iron Man armor and to process information at an accelerated rate. 

The main villain of the film is the Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley. In the comics, the Mandarin uses ten magical rings to fight against Iron Man; it will certainly be interesting to see how the movie will balance science and magic. The trailer also showed what looked like the Iron Patriot, but after reading information about the film online, I found that the suit is actually the War Machine model with a patriotic paint job.

Iron Man 3 will be out on May 3rd, and I'm looking forward to seeing it! You can watch the trailer here:

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