Friday, September 2, 2011

Being a PA

       From what I have been told by numerous people the best way and one of the only ways to become part of a production in the real film-making world is to be a PA, or Production Assistant.  So I thought that I would gather some facts on how to be the best PA ever, so that when the time comes, we are the ones that get promoted.  A lot of this information comes out of the Production Assistant Pocket Handbook by Caleb Clark.
     Caleb Clark says the quickest way to easily get the basics out is with the acronym "S.T.A.R"  which stands for; Swift, Tactful, Aware, and resourceful.  

          Swift-  A PA must always move with purpose, there is no time to just walk to get what you need,  a PA must move quickly and effectively.  
          Tactful- A good PA should always be considerate and know when to speak, and when to keep their mouth shut.  You should never say or do anything that could be seen as offensive and you should know when you're needed and when you're in the way.
          Aware-  Pay close attention and know what is happening and who is where,  you need to be able to function and be informed even when things get crazy.
          Resourceful-   you must be able to adapt.  It will be your job to find things and function, possibly far from home while on location.  you need to know where things are and how to get just about anything, fast.

     Those four things came up quite a bit while I was looking at what makes a good PA, really it seems that you just need to think before you do anything and always pretend that you know what your doing, then ask someone else if you need help.  
     Another big thing to make sure you do is to never sit down.  You should always be ready to go and prepared to help anyone who may need it.  It will be your job to do everything.  you should dress like your ready to work and you can't be afraid to get dirty.  
    Everything else is just pretty straight forward, do what your told and do it quickly but make sure it's done well.
               Most PA's don't stay in that position, the bad ones get fired, and the good ones get promoted.  So if you are the best PA you can be then chances are good that for the next production, or maybe even in the middle of the one your a PA for you will get bumped up because you have paid your dues and proven that you are worth keeping around.
 Being a PA is a great way to see what all the departments of a real production company do since you work with a lot of people.  This position is a good way to figure out what it is you like to do on set and the peruse that more directly.  So sometimes when you may not even get paid, take the job, it's a way in, and can get you to where you want to be.

1 comment:

arturo said...

I love (good) PA's and have a lot of respect for project managers and line producers. They are often vilified by "directors" who think they curtail creativity, usually because they insist on doing things on time/on budget. But production personnel on a movie set are or should be your best friends and you should absolutely rely on them, because they should be able to see things from a very practical perspective. So everyone in the team should sit down to discuss how to make the creative vision possible within the confines of time and budget.

I like the it recommends never to sit down! it is very true. If you are sitting down you can be sure something important is not being done!