Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Special FX: Also, call me Ishmael, plus Here she is, Miss Amerrrricaaaa

For some reason Google signed me in with an old account, so when I looked at my list of blogs it showed me two that I had created in high school. They each have one post. They're both awful. I'm gobsmacked, really.

Several people have been informed that I have rediscovered my love for Doctor Who. After watching a few episodes with David Tennant years ago and then forgetting to watch anymore, I decided to hop on Netflix and start from the beginning of the reboot. What amazes me most -- besides the characters, acting, story, soundtrack, visuals, and just about everything -- are the low-budget special effects. In one episode, the Dalek levitating seemed cheaply made, but it looked legit enough to make me go "Oh! So that Dalek can levitate and HOLY WHAT THE IT'S GONNA KILL EVERYONE AHHHH" instead of "Oh! So they didn't have enough money in the BBC budget! Way to go, you crumpet eating shmucks." It made me realize that if the production team behind one of the world's most loved shows can do awesome on a low budget, then so can we. Must investigate further.

Also, we're talking about microphone patterns in class right now; and the drawings on the board look like two parts of the male human body that I can't mention without sounding unprofessional/failing the class/sounding like a five year old. But it's rather hilarious nonetheless.

Now, a picture of a puppy:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again... DOCTOR WHOOOOOO!!!! <3 <3 <3