Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Social Network

On saturday night I watched the Social Network for the...ah I've lost count of how many times at this point. Still after seeing this film on more than one occasion it hasn't gotten old. Even though it sounds cliche and I think it was used in the advertisements, it truly defines the digital age and the world we are living in today. However it does not stop there. Thanks to the meticulous directing of David Fincher The Social Network is more than just a movie about facebook. It delves deep into interpersonal relationships and is not afraid of producing unlikeable characters. I think one of my favorite scenes throughout the entire film is when (SPOILER ALERT) Eduardo finds out that his share in the company has been reduced to next to nothing. The way in which the camera captures his anger and follows him throughout the entire scene makes the feeling so realistic. The dark and moody lighting used throughout The Social Network, characteristic of Fincher, gives the movie an edge and intensity that never disappears even in the deposition scenes where the rooms are lighter. This all being said it would be an understatement to say I am a little upset with the results of the Academy Awards last night. Having seen the Kings Speech I understand why it won, I just don't completely agree. Still, judging the two against one another is nearly impossible since they are such polar opposites. For example, one is quintessentially American while the other is British, one is about friendships forming while the other is about them falling apart and the eras they represent though both important are different in many ways.

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