Sunday, March 6, 2011

GDK Shoot Report

Hello lovely people. Jamie, Ellis and I (that's right, no Oxford comma for THIS phrase) shot two scenes of our Golden Doorknob today, getting us a quarter of the way through shooting. We shot a scene inside of a trunk and one outside on the side of a road. Both scenes went pretty well- we ended up cutting a lot of our angles because they were unnecessary, so shooting went pretty quickly. (Not having a lot of dialogue helped, too). The biggest problem we ran into was the fact that the Roscoe light, which we were going to use to imitate a cell phone light but make it brighter, didn't work. It has a plug that will work in a car cigarette lighter thing (is that what those are called? I can't remember), but for some reason it just wasn't working. We ended up using an actual phone that emitted enough light to light his face when he was talking into it, and I think it worked out pretty well. Of course, we'll see when we look over the footage, but we think we got enough light to light the scene and make it have a convincing locked-in-a-trunk look.
We also had fun with fake blood. Maybe a little too much fun. But that's okay. :)

1 comment:

arturo said...

Maybe you got the bad light kit that we used in class. It had a bad cable. I reported it and they told me they knew it was defective! so why would they even rent it out? But maybe it was something else. Perhaps the motor had to be running to activate the cigarette lighter switch? We'll try that later, glad to hear you had some bloody fun!