Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Detonation Films

I forgot to mention this when we had that presentation on FX with the exploding head. For those who don't have Adobe After Effects or some other program with a blood-gush generator, there's a site where you can download blood, explosions, bullets, and a bunch of other SF stock footage put against solid backgrounds, making it easy to key into you videos. Most of the good stuff costs money, but you can get some pretty good free samples that work well. It's worked well for me in the past.


Luke Snyder said...

Hey Face your ALIVE!!! Could you respond to my emails please.

arturo said...

Hey Face! are you blowing things up AGAIN?:-) great site. They also trade some great effects if you donate blood to the Red Cross. You just send'em a pic of you being drained and holding the name of the effect that you want (from their Orphan link.)