Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sports Media
Monday, November 28, 2011
stop motion
Address Is Approximate from The Theory on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Battle of the Snow Whites
There Will Be Blood
The Glory of Gilmore Girls
After watching so much, though I notice funny things every once in a while. They were filming a conversation scene between two characters sitting at a table. The angle of the medium shot of the man in the scene was taken very obviously without the other actor there - in reality her shoulder and most of her back would have been in the shot. It was actually really weird for me to watch and I couldn't wait for the scene to be over! Now that I saw that it is going to bother me through the 4 seasons I have left!
There are a lot of things like this I notice whenever I am watching TV or movies. I love it, actually. Watching things and going crazy because I can't fix it! I learn so much at school and it is really fun to catch it out in the real world. Very exciting stuff!
Learning the Language of 3D
Black Friday has come and gone, and with it, a crop of the latest technology and gadgets. One item making a big showing this year is the 3D television. The weekend saw discounts deep enough to finally give 3DTV's a push into the mainstream, which will undoubtedly help their adoption.

Making of Nightmare Before Christmas
First of all Tim Burton looks so YOUNG in these videos.
I just have loved the Nightmare Before Christmas since I was a child. It has always been so magical to me and watching these videos now only further solidifies the magic of this movie. Everyone on Tim's team is just genius and quite frankly the whole idea of stopmotion animation is mind boggling to me. I have no idea how these people make these masterpieces in a mere 3 years i feel like it would take me at least 10 to make something of that scale. There isnt much to say these videos kind of leave you speechless on the entire process. So check them out!
Star Wars Christmas
So many Christmas movies, so little time! I was very disappointed over the Thanksgiving break to find how few Thanksgiving movies exist. South Park is one of the few programs that regularly has Thanksgiving mayhem, and I think someone should start making more ridiculous movies like Thankskilling!
Anyway, for the holidays I have a list of movies I absolutely have to watch, including Scrooged, The Grinch and Home Alone to name a few. I stumbled across the Star Wars Holiday special last year, and boy is it worth watching... for a laugh!
For anyone who hasn't seen it, the Star Wars Holiday special was right after the first movie came out in 1978. I guess the movie had a way bigger effect on people than George Lucas had anticipated and they threw together a holiday special that is a "Universe Happy Life Day" of some sort. It is really hard to watch because of how horrible it turned out and I didn't get to finishing it last year. I'm pretty sure everyone involved in it tried to forget about it and erase it from the history books! Rumor has it that the cast was all getting drunk back stage while it was being aired! This really just shows that not all ideas from George Lucas are gold!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Twilight: Breaking Dawn
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Chanel 2012
I know this is my second post involving Chanel ( I admit I might have a bit of an unhealthy obsession) but they are just such a fabulously creative company. This is there most recent runway show and I am just obsessed with their set design! The Underwater theme for the spring summer 2012 is so perfectly put together that even the way the seats are positioning are in line with the water theme appearing as waves from an aerial view. I just Love what Karl Lagerfeld has done with the company he has stayed true to the Chanel tradition while at the same time keeping up with the fast moving times. I love Chanel for so many reasons but mostly because they show fashion for what it really is an art form. But I'm posting this for more than just my fashion obsession but to celebrate the fact that I will be working NY fashion week this Spring alongside of B Productions to film and stream Live fashion shows for major fashion houses. I just had my interview this week and I am absolutely thrilled to have gotten the gig. It will be quite the experience to join my two loves fashion and film into one great interview. Hopefully the fashion world wont eat me up and spit me out :0
More Scriptwriting Software Options!

Data lost, data found
Don't freak out! There are many ways to recover your data!
Here are some helpful things to keep in mind about computers:
- Your hard drive files are not entirely controlled by your operating system. This means that if your operating system fails you can usually still get access to your files by using a different operating system! Your computer will still need a new OS install, but your actual files are seperate and still fully intact.
- Hard drives and flash media are designed to write ALL of the original storage blocks before overwriting. This means that even if you delete something accidentally from a computer hard drive or flash drive/sd card, it remains on the drive until more data has been written to the drive than the size the drive is. An example: if you have a 16Gb sd card and have only ever written 10Gb of data on it, the physical drive actually still has the 10Gb on it even if it is deleted, until you overwrite more than 16Gb.
Hell on Wheels
The Art of the Title
Although there are tons of title sequences on the site, many of which I am sure you remember, To Kill A Mockingbird is a particular favorite of mine. I saw the film as a young boy and then recently as an adult (or old man!) and I still love it for its powerful storytelling. It scared me when I first saw it and did not know what the film was about, yet everything that was to come was already present in those 3 minutes.
foreign cops
The View is good for something...
But, I came across this video/article...about Eric Stonestreet revealing to the world's population that he is indeed straight on one episode of the view, only to meet his current girlfriend who told him upon their introduction, "Oh, he is straight!" (To those of you who do not know Eric, he plays Cam on 'Modern Family' and is super flamboyantly gay...and hilarious.)
So, while the show, at least to me, is just no good, at least if found romance for one of my favorite current TV comedians. Dawwwww how cute.
A Trip To The Moon In Color

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Snow White Remake
The IMDb link is posted below, there are multiple trailers and you can view the cast and decide for yourself whether or not this movie will be a bust or a blockbuster.
James and the Giant Peach

Friday, November 18, 2011
The App is used to voice text people you can connect it to facebook to see you is also on Voxer with your friends! You can group some of your friends. Film wise this is very convenient since you can make your crew into a group and during filming you can press the button down and tell everyone in the area that may not be able to hear you say "action" and "quiet all around". The entire crew will get the message (assuming they're all on iphone's, or ipods with wifi.) The App is also available for Android phone users but that version is much more buggy than the Ipod/Iphone app. You can also do a one-to-one chat with just one of your friends! And when you're not on set and you just happen to be a props master, you can ask "Hey does anyone happen to have this prop that I need for the next shoot?" I love it mostly because it is so much more exciting to voice text people and a lot faster than just texting them. NOW, say if you're in a class room and someone Voxers you. Hopefully you have your volume down! You can listen to the message later or if it's an immediate situation, you can text them right there on Voxer in the same window and just ask them to text what they just said to you. If you're in a crowded room full of loud people you can switch it to the ear piece built into your iPhone and listen like your listening to a voicemail. The only thing I didn't like about it at first was that you have to train yourself to wait a second and listen for the beep before you talk otherwise it will cut you off. It's also created a sort of new polite behavior, you also have to train yourself to text the person first and ask them if they're in class or if you can voice them, just a polite thing to do for your friends. Other than those tiny issues, it's really a very useful app! I love it and encourage others to try it too!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Bye bye Community?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I'm so excited!!!!!

Network Styles
Somewhat new to the mix of original series AMC has "The Walking Dead" "Hell on Wheels" and "Breaking Bad" all of which share the down and dirty feel with people on the brink of disaster just trying to hold on, again the same colors and cinematography.
FX does the same with shows like "Wilfred" and "Always Sunny in Philadelphia." I find it interesting that they don't necessarily stick to a topic, but a feel. USA is witty whether it is a medical show or a cop show. AMC is dark and cinematic with a dying father or a world overrun by zombies. This tells us that we don't really care what kind of show we watch, as long as it plays the same emotional tune.
Mega-Misconceptions. Why Megapixels mean nothing.

So, I was just in a discussion with my roommate about what makes a high quality camera (He's a PC, and I'm a Mac, so we always get into tech debates). He was extolling the latest offering from Sony, which touts over 16 megapixels. Thinking he was talking about a video camera, I called foul. Though he was discussing a still camera with video capabilities, it sparked a discussion about the difference between resolution for video and still photography.
- DVD - 720 x 480 = 345600 = .35 megapixels
- 720p - 1280 x 720 = 921600 = .92 megapixels
- 1080p - 1920 x 1080 = 2073600 = 2.07 megapixels
Learn, Move, Eat
Its pretty cool to see how these guys told the story of their travel by boiling it down to 3 basic principals
Girl Panic by Duran Duran
Lets just start off by saying that Duran Duran is probably one of the coolest bands of the 80's! Second I have to say they were also one of the most modern of their era. Duran Duran always found a way to make themselves different from the piles of other 80's bands trying to make it big, whether it was through hiring fashion designers to give them a cool look (giving them the title "the prettiest boys in rock") or being among the first bands to hire pro directors to shoot their videos with 35 mm lenses they were always going above and beyond. Their newest video Girl Panic pays a tribute to the band and is a play on the fact that they were the first band to use super models in their sexy controversial music videos. IN the video the band members are some of the best super models of the 80's (Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen, Cindy Crawford, and Eva Herzigova) talking about Duran Duran's history. The whole video is just so cool. its beautiful shot after beautiful shot and just so visually stimulating. Tagged along with an awesome song I recommend everyone watch it!
6 days to air- documentary
So I finally got around to watching a documentary about South Park that someone mentioned to me last month. The documentary is called "6 Days to Air" and is about how each episode of South Park is created start to finish in 6 day increments. They finish the episodes on the day they are supposed to air!! This is INSANE! And Trey and Matt actually look VERY calm for how much pressure is being put on them.
I want to work in this field, and this is intimidating! The South Park crew consists of probably 10 members or less that are all magnificently talented. I realize that many shows come close to the deadlines in production, but I didn't know that Trey and Matt go into the writers room with NO solid ideas in their heads! These guys are sleeping at the office to save time while working! I also underestimated how talented Trey and Matt are for doing almost all of the voices of the show. I thought that by now they were successful enough to pass voice duties on to someone else!
Overall it's a pretty inspiring documentary though!
Here's a link to the documentary, sorry no emmbedding for it.
6 Days to Air
some tv i enjoy
i said might also there are these
i liked it, so i shared it
Two Amazing Videos
Don't let the thumbnail fool you, this is actually something very amusing that I think all park students should see. It's a literal parody of major movie trailers, and it's pretty accurate. By literal, I mean that instead of words, the actors say the type of line that would be delivered, the logos are titles of what kind of company's logo would go there. I thought this was too cool not to share.
For those of you who didn't hear, an Ithaca physics professor was on the Colbert Report, making ice cream levitate. WHICH I THINK IS AWESOME!!! :D
The Guide to DIY Filmmaking
Here's the website with the picture I found if you're interested in learning more.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Big Fish

Big Fish is a film that I have recently watched directed by Tim Burton about a father, Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor, younger years; Albert Finney, older years) who is dying of cancer. His son Will (Billy Crudup), a journalist, who is trying to learn more about his dad by piecing together the stories he has heard over the years. The son ends up recreating his father's elusive life through the legends and tales inspired by a few facts that he has gathered. The film, which is tells the story through flashbacks, starts when Will visits his father for the last time. Will has not seen his father for a long time because he thought his dad was a liar who did not care much about his family. As he learns more about Edward’s story, Will finally begins to understand who his dad really was.
I enjoyed this movie and the way that Edward seemed to make up his life as he went along. I could see why Will did not like his father, but it was interesting to watch the way Tim Burton built the film around the father and son. This is the type of movie a viewer would either really like or find too disjointed. It is a matter of personal preference, but I would recommend seeing it and making up your own mind about this part fantasy, part realistic film
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Feet Two
Monday, November 7, 2011
Alternative soundtrack uses
android dreams from Samuel Cockedey on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Copryright Protection - A waste of time

One of the coolest things you can do in some spare time (over the summer) is take an old computer and turn it into a home theatre! This means streaming movies and tv shows directly to your television just like netflix! Cause, let's face it, netflix doesn't have all the movies in the universe.
Blu Ray Wikipedia
movieclips on youtube
the clip below is form the genres "british horror" which gives you an idea of how organized it is
they even have clips listed under the props they use like the one below is for "staffs" and they have a bunch of them
again this should give you an idea of how much information you can get just from this one youtube channel.
check it out! ( the exclamation mark shows i mean it) Its a great way to look at clips form special directors, actors, genres and themes if your looking for inspiration this is a good spot to start.
40 Years and Running: "A Clockwork Orange"
It's amazing how after even after 40 years Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" still manages to leave the audience... petrified, awed, breathless, confused. Most other oldies usually fall victim to the test of the time (see: "Catcher in the Rye") and where at first they were dangerous and obscene, they become novel and childish in contemporary hindsight. However, "klassy Kubrick" instills all the aforementioned fear and just plain "i don't want to watch this, but I can't walk away" even in today's loose society.
I think the integration of classical music and ultra violent behavior, coupled by scenes of imaginative, grotesque, and simple cinematography , are what truly set this movie apart from most others. Kubrick was a perfectionist and a intellectual, he imposed iconography, symbology, and metaphor into every one of his works, but "A Clockwork Orange" steals the stage (no pun intended, actually...), as the trailer vividly (epileptics beware) shows.
If you still want a good scare; if you still want a good perspective into the mind of a "droog;" or if you just wanna see a movie that puts people through more emotions than a calculus final, "A Clockwork Orange" is for you. Bring a pen and paper, though, you'll not want to miss a thing.
Band of Brothers
Saturday, November 5, 2011
American Horror Story
This unlikely new show is doing really, really well! I was honestly not sure how it would go...horror is usually a genre most popular in film, rather than television. I read an Entertainment Weekly article about the show when the issue came out. It looked interesting, and I was intrigued...yet horrified. Some of the characters and themes of the show that were described were just plain creepy to me, and I honestly decided not to watch it for the same reason I still haven't seen Paranormal Activity or Final Destination movies...I am so easily terrified, especially when the plot is somewhat realistic. In this case, I am currently looking for a house to live in next year, and everyone knows that most houses in Ithaca are pretty old (mine this year was built in 1900.) A.k.a. they are all haunted. Therefore, I was staying far away from the show.
Until I read this article.
Even though I know it will probably terrify me to no end, reading that a show gets picked up for a second season this fast tells me that there is something about it that I need to see. Whether it is the acting, the story, or hte production value...I need to jump on this bandwagon. I don't know, but the raving reviews from my friends who have watched it and the fact that it is getting such great reviews from magazines and bloggers make me want to suck it up, curl up in bed with all the lights on, and enjoy some awesome television.