Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh, hello, 7 am, how are you?

Hellooo. I'm Becca Wilson, a sophomore TV-R major with a video production concentration and minors in Spanish and Econ (and secretly basket-weaving). Last year I worked on IC Everywhere, and this year I'm AP and script sup for To a Pulp. Okay, let's see, random facts...I'm from MD, I just ate a piece of banana bread, there's a drawing of a dragowolficorn on my wall, and I like cats.
Maybe I shouldn't be writing this this early. You really didn't need to know that there's a dragowolficorn on my wall...
Anyway, I'm looking forward to fiction field shenanigans. See you soon, anyone in the 8 am TR.

1 comment:

arturo said...

The warp and weft of weaving is a great metaphor to apply to almost any craft, in our case digital cinema. Weaving is closely related to computers; think Jaquard who invented the Jaquard loom which in turn influenced Babbage, which invented the first mechanical computer get the idea.
So yes, as I mentioned in class, we should look at the things we really like to do in our "own" time and find the lessons and the applications for the rest of our lives. Cats know.