Friday, April 4, 2014

Elders React

One of my, and sure many other people’s, favorite things to do is waste time on the Internet watching silly videos. One of my top searches lately, is the React videos from TheFineBros. These guys are two brothers that create various videos showing different age groups reacting to different forms of viral media. My favorite specifically is Elder’s React. These videos feature different senior citizens, and their reactions to these videos and games. After they watch or play whatever it is that the episode is about, they are asked a series of questions, and the result is usually really funny. Here are a couple examples of Elders React:

I think the reason that these videos are so effective is because they reach many different demographics of humor. Because there are different categories from young children, to older adults,  all of the videos are very different and can reach people with different tastes in YouTube videos. I also have a soft spot for older adults, and watching them interact with technology is very interesting and funny to me. It reminds me of my grandmother, and having to teach her how to use Skype every time I call her. I would highly recommend these videos to anyone who enjoys humor and silly videos that can help get you through the day.

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