Wednesday, March 31, 2010

other types of tools for artists/designers

Hi everyone. As you all know, my work in class is all done in Processing. I thought it would be good to also mention other tools designers can use in somewhat similar ways to Processing. Maybe these are tools you would want to check out for the future? This will also be on my processing blog in greater detail - I thought that people interested in Processing would also want to know what else is out there. I haven't found a good source that lists them all together in a clear way. 

openFrameworks (oF) - I have  not yet made anything with openFrameworks but it seems like the openFrameworks library and the Processing library have many similarities. Just as Processing is built upon Java, openFrameworks is built upon C++.  Unlike Processing, openFrameworks does not have an IDE built in.

pure data (pd) - Pure data was introduced to me by Pat Pagano. He's worked with it forever and uses it to create immersive visuals, control lighting, and create interactive art. I have done a little work in pure data. Pure data is a graphical programming language - the programs you create look like flow charts rather than lines of text.

1 comment:

arturo said...

This is a good idea, I actually put a list of tools on the Game blog, but not on this one. I will do that, never too late:-)

Apart from Processing which is very much geared towards visualization and device control, PD or Pure Data that you mentioned is one of the most flexible "programming with the right side of the brain" kind of environments. Of course it helps to have a good dose of left brain activity and no one says it is that easy.

But it is very exciting to harness the tremendous power of these programming languages, specially for those of us who were not born with an implanted someone we know:-)