Saturday, March 20, 2010

but what is it going to look like?

Hi everyone.

My drawing tools in Processing are coming along slowly but I realize now that I haven't addressed something just as important as doing research and putting in the time to learn - I haven't discussed how this will be presented! If their is one thing I have learned from Tufte, how you display everything is key to effective communication. I mean, I could just show everyone some lines of code but that's not exactly the goals of this project. I want to show the research as well as the tools I am developing.

The beauty of Processing is that it is java based so it's perfect for the web. So I have decided to make a website/blog that is easily updatable and easy for others to use. Processing sketches can easily be displayed as applets on blogs. Wordpress has some very simple clean templates that I can adapt to what I want so I think that this is where I'm going to put my work. Eventually I would like to buy my own domain and transfer all of my work there. I haven't decided if I am going to go the paid route, it seems like with the amount of data for this one project I would not have to. Plus, I have used blogger for several years and I would like to see if their is any difference.


arturo said...

I think putting your work up on a website of your own is a very good idea (whether it is paid or not, you can move it later) You will need a website from now on to show/pitch your work as an artist anyway.

The question is (for this class) what are you going to show? I think you should do what other classmates that are doing web based work did already, that is design the architecture of your site.

Since in this case the site itself is the envelope and delivery medium it needs to be designed carefully to effectively present your process in a clear way and not only display results as most art sites do, being basically slide shows.

So try to have a schematic of your site ready ASAP. That is specially important now since there is not much time left at all.
The fact that you would be using Processing or other Java applets means there will be a lot of interactivity possible, and that can make it very appealing.

Francesca said...

Thanks Arturo, I have a schematic sort of drafted online. It's very basic and simple, I'm just customizing a nice template.

I'm also going to post my work on open processing because it is a nice forum with other people and I have gotten a lot of inspiration from there.