Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This Is The End

Finally after way too long, I got around to seeing This Is The End written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. There was so much hype about it that I had to see it. Unfortunately hype leads to unrealistic expectations. Even though it didn't quite reach my expectations, I was laughing the whole time. I thought it was a fantastic idea having all of these actors together because their personal lives are something people are interested in seeing. Then adding in the whole apocalypse theme into it was hilarious. The party scene at James Franco's house was so perfect. Michael Cera slapping Rhianna's butt, Emma Watson and Craig Robinson joking around, and James Franco showing off all of his art. The dynamic of that party was unheard of. Then when all hell let's loose (literally) it just keeps getting more and more absurd. Actors fighting actors to not fall into the fiery pit. Then when they all get back in the house all of the different actors and character dynamics just lets loose.

Although it was nonstop comedy and absurdity I thought it was pretty nice to have the whole "work your way to heaven" aspect. That gave it a nice goal and reason for the actors to stay alive and work towards something. Through that goal, the actors were able develop into better human beings or die from their selfishness. For example, James Franco sacrifices himself for the other two, getting him into heaven. But then while he's being beamed up, he's being a bad winner about it and shows that he hasn't really changed from the experience and gets dropped back down into the group of cannibals. I think that's an amazing scene because one, it's hilarious having James Franco being a dick, and two, it sticks to the moral of the story.

I thought the production was amazing. Robert Caban, Kevin Harris, Durk Tyndall, Craig Barnett, Eric Frazier, and Brad manis did an incredible job with special effects. Everything looked so cool and really brought that whole apocalyptic feel to life. I also thought William Ladd Skinner did such a good job as art direction. The cannibal van, destroyed LA, and Franco's house all looked fantastic.

There were so many scenes that I loved from EmmaWatson robbing them, Michael Cera being a dick, everything about Craig Robinson, and the awkward relationship between Jay and Jonah. I will most definitely be watching this again soon and recommending it to just about everyone who hasn't seen it yet.

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