Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Team 3 project

Sorry to my teammates for the late email. Team 3's project idea is to create a amphitheater for lectures, tutoring and student films. Our main goal of research is going to be on how we can promote the amphitheater for those events.

At the last meeting, we all can upon the idea that we should first create a rough draft on what the building should look like, to which we will present to each other our ideas come Tuesday (aka tomorrow). We also discussed on whether or not we would create an alternative way for information to be spread between teammates (such as team 5's idea of using a wiki).


aamagic2 said...

Sorry again, I did not see the comment posted below about the idea change. Please disregard my original post, our idea is still under construction.

Dennis said...

There is an amphitheatre on NMC island that you may want to look at too.