Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hey, uh...hey.

Hey everyone, I just thought I would introduce myself (kinda late, but whatever). I'm Gaellissa (a.k.a. Gaelle Jaxxon in SL), the girl who thought this class would be awesome because she saw SL in one of her favorite TV shows...I just wanted to say hey and that I'm really looking forward to this class and getting to know most or all of you a little better, and eating your food (provided you can cook). If anyone is looking to have an awesome person in their group for "study" sessions, group projects, etc., let me know, because I'm pretty amazing.

Since everyone is getting all detailed about their interests in the future of SL, I think it would be really cool if we could direct this to children, and not just in video games like Grand Theft Auto (though I LOVE that game and if you have it, I would be glad to come over and play for hours). For example, I plan on being one of the creative minds behind Sesame Street one day. Wouldn't it be awesome for Sesame Street to be in SL, and for all kinds of kids and their parents, from all over the world, to interact with the SS characters and each other, and continue their education while the TV is off?! Wow...I have a million thoughts running through my mind about this class, all of them great, and I'm really looking forward to learning about how these thoughts & ideas can become a reality, very very soon.

I don't have a computer right now (mine died a few months ago) and I have to wait/save up for a MacBook Pro (with Leopard, so Nasari, whenever you figure out how that works, let me know), so I might not be posting all that much for the next few weeks, though I will try to post once every week. See you all in class Tuesday :o)


arturo said...

Hi Gaelissa, that was a fun post.You sound like a fun person to have in a group!
The ideas to have RL TV programs in SL is probably being investigated in earnest...wait, I just said"real life" TV programs! since when TV programs are "real"?. See what everyone is talking about? there is a great deal of confusion (and has been at least since Plato.

About your upcoming Mac, if possible I would recommend asking whoever is providing you the Mac to install the appropriate video card (take a look at the list of possible option in the SL website under "system requirements"

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I was about to ask something related to the SL for TV shows. Since Gaelissa mentioned already, I would just start the discussion here.

As we know, it becomes a trend to have a in-world group for TV shows. Enthusiastic viewers can be incorporated in the SL. They are allowed to live the life around those characters they like and interact with them. There is no doubt that the program involvement is increased through the SL. Although the show might air only one hour a week in the RL, the influence can last longer than we can imagine through the SL.

However, there is always the finale of a show. I'm wondering, will these in-world groups keep the "hit" afterward? Is there any existing life cycle/model for this kind of group? If any of you have the experience or have read/done some relevant research, please share :-)