Monday, January 21, 2008

Something cool


Yesterday I went to Little Mos Eisley, part of the star wars conglomerate that has taken Second Life by storm, or so it seemed. Seems like second life has virtually every major planet/city in the star wars universe, complete with roleplaying games and such. So, I started chatting with one of the land owners on Mos Eisley, he was so happy that I put the observer tag on during their role playing game to distinguish myself as an out of character participant that he gave me $50 linden. Which is like... $.20 or something if you do the conversion. But anyway, it was really nice of him... So I put the money and my artistic talents to good use and spend all of monday figuring out how the sculpted primitive system works. It turns out that it is a multi step pain in the ass. But I guess its ok. I gave the man $20 and in return I got to wear I helmet that took me 6 hours to make. Now I have two questions.... How do I get someone to buy this thing, and are there any artists out there who think they can help create fancy content with me?

that is all

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