Thursday, January 31, 2008
My group and I will be setting up our own CSI crime scenes for our project so I am sure we will be using some of the ideas from CSINY to help on some issues, atleast I know I will be. I am also hoping that we might be able to get some type of "collection toolbar" like they have on CSINY, however, I don't know too much about programming, but I am hoping to find out more while in this class.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Group 1 Changes
Instead of performing an observational study on task preferences, we have decided to develop a survey that will cover that topic as well as others that are of interest to each of us. We will each develop some questions that are of interest to us and combine them into a survey. We will post the survey questions on here for comments and feedback once we compile them.
To administer the survey we are still figuring out all the options available, but for now we are planning on developing kiosks and placing them in high traffic public areas that allow you to build for 24 hours. We also intend on finding and purchasing a small piece of property on public land so that users may come to that location to fill out the survey if they prefer. That way we may get casual traffic in public places with the 24 hour kiosks AND we can have a permanent polling place so that we can personally recruit participants as well. We intend on paying a premium in L$ in order to attract participants. We are currently researching what that amount should be.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Team 3 project

At the last meeting, we all can upon the idea that we should first create a rough draft on what the building should look like, to which we will present to each other our ideas come Tuesday (aka tomorrow). We also discussed on whether or not we would create an alternative way for information to be spread between teammates (such as team 5's idea of using a wiki).
Monday, January 28, 2008
The future from the past
I often wonder how our current thoughts on the future will be looked at. Will we look at our current video games the way we now look at Atari games? It's interesting to note how many ideas from this site actually did work out but only in different forms than was initially considered. I also wish there were more movies on the future that took an optimistic view, they all seem so dark. I like to think we will work out our problems in time, and am saddened when I realize much of the world envisions a terrible future for humanity. Anyways, just some loose thoughts from looking at this site again. Check it out when you have a chance.
Charities and Web 2.0/3.0
"Charity makes waves with Web word of mouth"
It discusses the use by charities of social networking venues and virtual worlds to reach, connent with, and keep donors.
A learning curve is mentioned for any technology tool classified by the the author as Web 2.0, and she says some groups have not figured the system out yet. We are also seeing this with major businesses.
Group Project idea....
Though this is obviously a very minor account of our plans, it should give you the basic gist of what we intend to do. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Group 2's project ideas
In developing our first idea, we talked about the tasks of course management (especially using WebCT and the like) and what good course management would look like in a virtual world environment. After doing some exploring we found Sloodle, which integrates the Moodle course management package with Second Life. Our project would work in two phases: a first part in which we add something to the experience of course management (working with Sloodle) and the second phase would be to research attitudes of students about Second Life course experiences vs. existing methods like WebCT.
Our second idea came from discussions about how one learns about others through their avatars, and about the "profile" option included for each avatar. We discussed current social networks and what people get from them. Could any of the things people like about social networks be incorporated into Second Life? Our idea was to explore if the idea of "status" found in many social networks could be incorporated in Second Life, along with a related view of all the status notes from all the people you have accepted as a friend. It is already possible to set avatar status as "busy" or "away" - we wonder how that could be expanded, and then how that might be used in the virtual classroom.
Our last idea came from a discussion about news sources, magazines and similar materials in SL - in particular how poor the reading experience is for notecards and other SL reading materials. In creating notes, the writer has no control over fonts, color, or even simple design. We wondered what a good reading experience for news or periodicals in SL would be like - perhaps a better HUD of some kind? Or, is it just more efficient to send the viewer out to a blog or designed material out on the Web? Perhaps some combination of the two? We're still fleshing out the details of this last idea.
We think the first idea holds the most promise as a research project, but the other two are interesting alternatives.
Business Problems in SL
Companies such as Starwood hotels, AOL, and Wells Fargo have been leaving their digital outposts in recent months. They are doing this because what they thought to be a good market to penetrate for growth is turning out to be nothing but a disfunctional world for the purposes of business. My feeling is that if the large, recognizable companies leave and do not continue to operate in second life, who do entrepreneurs and small business owners look to for guidance.
If something is not done to fix the current banking problems, there will not be enough credibility in the system to encourage business operations in second life. Linden labs must find a solution to this problem before they lose a huge amount of potential users for good.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Some SL Alternatives
The thing that I liked about Active Worlds, as opposed to Second Life, is that when you buy a space it’s just your space, there’s not this whole expansive network around it. The reason I like that is because while I think it would be cool to get some space in teen second life, doing so means our students could get into our space there, but they could also go into wherever they wanted to in teen second life. Not that I care if they do that in their free time, but I could easily see parents upset that students were exposed to things in teen second life because they created accounts original intended for school use. In Active Worlds, you just buy some land and pay for whatever number of users you want on that land. Now, I am curious about how the building compares to the building in Second Life. I asked, but these people had very little experience in SL so they couldn’t make a comparison.
Another option they showed was Croquet ( which is open source virtual world software. One advantage of this program is the ability to create 3D objects in other programs (like sketchup) and import them into the world. Qwaq ( is a program that is based on Croquet and was specifically developed for virtual meeting spaces and online collaboration.
Now, I don’t claim to be an expert and the pros and cons of all of this as compared to Second Life, but what I saw, from a Secondary School standpoint seems to be a better option for me although I will need to do much more research to be sure.
Questions to ponder about the articles
Consider the following from Yee’s, “The Psychology of MMORPG’s”:
“Ultimately, each user decides which form of advancement they will pursue, and the richness and complexity of the environment eliminates the need for super-ordinate goals or storylines. Every user is motivated by a different combination of the possible rewards. The result is that adventures, stories, and most importantly, meaningful interactions and relationships between users emerge. Functional constructs within the environment facilitate these social networks – combat groups (temporary collaboration between a few users), guilds (persistent user-created membership organizations), and ideological alliances (agreements between guilds or “racial” groups).”
Also remember that different users have different personalities (risk-taking propensities, assertiveness, and so on) and different stakes at this point of their adventure, and differ in their loyalty to the group and each other. In the span of 5 to 10 seconds, the risk-analysis, opinions and decisions of the group communicated over typed chat, or the solitary actions of a particular user, will determine the life or death of all members of the group. This particular type of crisis is also embedded into the larger context of existing tensions such as emergent leadership, group polarization, and personality differences.
The environment has mechanisms allowing users to survey for resources, harvest those resources, research schematics for assembling resources into sub-components, construct factories to mass-produce finished goods, and market those goods to the public. The process is so complex, time consuming, and distributed over several skill sets that users typically specialize as resource brokers, manufacturers, or retailers, and typically form quasi-business entities with other users to facilitate that process. These entities have to communicate effectively, develop a coherent product strategy, assess market competition, and ensure the production chain is running smoothly. Many users comment that being part of such entities feels like having a second job.
Yee’s analysis produced five factors.
The “Relationship” factor measures the desire of users to interact with other users, and their willingness to form meaningful relationships that are supportive in nature, and which include a certain degree of disclosure of real-life problems and issues.
The “Manipulation” factor measures how inclined a user is to objectify other users and manipulate them for his personal gains and satisfaction.
Users who score high on the “Manipulation” factor enjoy deceiving, scamming, taunting and dominating other users.
Users who score high on the “Immersion” factor enjoy being in a fantasy world as well as being “someone else”. They enjoy the story-telling aspect of these worlds and enjoy creating avatars with histories that extend and tie in with the stories and lore of the world.
The “Escapism” factor measures how much a user is using the virtual world to temporarily avoid, forget about and escape from real-life stress and problems.
And finally, the “Achievement” factor measures the desire to become powerful in the context of the virtual environment through the achievement of goals and accumulation of items that confer power.
Factor | Male | Female |
Relationship | | X |
Manipulation | X | |
Immersion | | X |
Escapism | | X |
Acheivement | X | |
Factor | Younger Male | Older Male | Younger Female | Older Female |
Relationship | | | | |
Manipulation | X | | X | |
Immersion | | | X | |
Escapism | | | | |
Acheivement | X | | | |
Other survey data also show that the majority of users indicate that the way they behave and interact with others in these environments is very close to how they behave and interact with others in the material world [31]. In other words, most users are simply being themselves rather than experimenting with new identities or personalities.
It has also been suggested that there are factors unique to MMORPGs that facilitate relationship formation [35]. The kind of high-stress crisis scenario outlined earlier in the chapter occur with great frequency in these environments under different guises. When paired with the degree of emotional investment users place in these environments, many relationships are in fact triggered by these trustbuilding scenarios, analogous to boot camps and fraternity initiations in the material world.
Are these features also in MUVE’s? In what way?
What did you think of the discussion about the effects of MMORPG’s on romantic partner relationships and parent-child relationships?
“Leaders deal with both administrative as well as higher-level strategy issues, most of which arise and have to be dealt with spontaneously.
Administrative tasks include:
role assignment
task delegation
crisis management
logistical planning
how rewards are to be shared among group members
Higher-level strategy tasks include:
motivating group members
dealing with negative attitudes
dealing with group conflicts
encouraging group loyalty and cohesion”
What do you think of this? Are people really learning leadership skills in these environments?
Remember that this is only a measurement of what users felt they learned, not what they actually learned.
Addiction results: On 5-point Likert scales
15% of respondents (n = 3989) agreed or strongly agreed that they become angry and irritable if they are unable to participate.
30% agreed or strongly agreed that they continue to participate in the environment even when they are frustrated with it or not enjoying the experience.
18% of users agreed or strongly agreed that their usage patterns had caused them academic, health, financial or relationship problems.
50% of respondents (n = 3166) considered themselves addicted to an MMORPG in a direct “yes”/”no” question.
Do you see the use of operant conditioning to develop sophisticated reward cycles as a legitimate business decision? Or should it be compared to the use of nicotine in cigarettes?
“These environments are seductive for some users because it empowers them in ways specific to their anxieties.”
Isn’t this a good thing, though? Kind of like virtual therapy?
MMOG’s as Social science research platforms
The arguments that Blascovich et al. [39] make for the use of immersive virtual reality technology as a methodological tool for social psychology can also be applied to MMORPG environments. The movements, interactions and preferences of large numbers of users can all be tracked unobtrusively and recorded.
The MMORPG environment allows us to answer social psychology questions on a social level rather than an individual level. How does non-zero-sum gaze or other transformed social interactions reshape social networks, alter the flow of information, or affect trust in a social organization? As social organizations proliferate in MMORPG environments, research in transformed social interactions becomes even more important as it will inform us of how designers could engineer these environments to encourage the formation of strong and trusting social networks.
Might certain worldviews be cultivated by heavy exposure to online environments? For example, users are given a high degree of control and agency in MMORPGs, and all events are based on underlying numeric variables. So it might make sense to ask whether heavy users have a stronger internal locus of control, or apply a more closed-system perspective on thinking about events in the material world.
“As these environments become more sophisticated, we can imagine them transforming into predominantly sites of economic activity under the guise of interactive entertainment.”
Do you agree? Why or why not? Would you say that “griefers” against this kind of economic exploitation? Are you?
Blascovich, J., (2002). Immersive virtual environment technology as a methodological tool for social psychology. Psychological Inquiry, 13(2), 103-124.
Yee, N., The Daedalus Project. 2004. Available at
Yee, N., Inside Out. 2003. Available at
Read the following excerpts from “The Role of Flow Experience in Cyber-Game Addiction” and consider the questions.
Previous studies into addiction have shed light on our understanding of habit-formation in three
ways. First, the amount of current consumption of certain goods is a function of past consumption. This
suggests that addiction could be developed through a repetition of certain events or behaviors. Second,
addictive behavior is rational, which means that people develop habits on purpose. Third, the purpose
of addiction is to maximize utility, and utility is a function of preference. Therefore, addiction can be
evoked intentionally through a continuous repetition of certain activities that conform to one’s preference.
Csikszentmihalyi17 sees flow as a “shift into a common mode of experience” when people “become absorbed in their activity.” Therefore, flow experience is more an emotional state during the process of a particular activity than a coping strategy for the post-activity sensitization.
To supplement Csikszentmihalyi’s concept17 of flow experience, Ghani and Deshpande18 suggest
two attributes as the principal components of optimal flow: concentration and enjoyment.
Holbrook uses “play value” to describe a sense of fun. He highlights three qualities especially associated
with play value: self-initiated experience, active value, and intrinsic value. As a self-initiated experience, play advances an individual’s value through maximizing his or her very private utility.’
Hoffman and Novak21 provide a model to illustrate the antecedent and subsequent variables associated
with flow experience. They highlight five episodes as the immediate consequences of flow state: consumer learning, perceived behavioral control (or confidence), exploratory behavior, positive subjective
experiences (e.g., happiness), and distortion in time perception.
In sum, evidence from flow studies has shown that playfulness is of key value to generate optimal flow. Though the state of flow is temporal and highly subjective, it is suspected that people who enjoy
flow experience during an activity may develop a tendency to repeat the activity. Additionally, with
insight from rational addiction theory, repetition of a particular activity may eventually develop into a
tendency toward addiction. Hence, flow experiences may play a key role in activating addiction through
repetition of certain favorite activities.
Based on the findings of latent variable path analysis, repetition alone may not be a sufficient condition
of addiction, as suggested by rational addiction advocates. The effect of repetition upon addiction
is largely diminished when introducing flow variables as moderators to their causal relationship.
Additionally, our evidence suggests that addictive behaviors are formed when behavioral repetition
triggers a flow state. That is, the repetitive behaviors as observed by the economists may be the precursor or earlier version of flow. The flow experience, as we have witnessed in the models, might play a key role in the mentality evolution that bridges the gap between preference-based rational repetition
and quasi-lunatic addiction.
Individuals with too much behavioral repetition in their favorite activity can trigger flow experiences. Ultimately, these individuals will be dominated by flow experiences and bogged down in the addiction swamp.
This article is not primarily about multi-user virtual environments (MUVE’s), yet it applies to our discussion on addiction from Yee. What are your initial comments?
If repetition is not a factor in MUVE’s, yet flow is, what ramifications are there for educators, parents, policy makers, etc.?
Oscar Wilde said, “Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” Is there a way to take advantage of the positive aspects of flow without falling prey to the pitfalls of addiction?
Rosedale on SL Business
Games Without Goals: The Endless Forest
Still, I’m left wondering, do games need to have goals to be successful? I realize the term successful is rather subjective, but for argument sake, let’s discuss in terms of longevity in the gaming world. I am making the assumption that a direct correlation exists between longevity and the number of subscribers. Currently, there are just over 23,000 named deer in The Endless Forest according the games website,
The skeptic in me wonders why bother with the game if I’m not working towards an end? My involvement in MMPOG is limited to say the least but I’ve enjoyed console based games where you did have clear objectives if you wanted to win or be successful. Are there other games without goals and do players enjoy them enough to have longevity?
I also wonder how The Endless Forest will evolve if there are no rules. Will players eventually create both rules and goals even if they are not explicitly set at the outset of the game? How long will it be before someone arrives in the “harmonious” VE set in “magical landscapes” with a hunting rifle and takes down some of deer? The Tale of Tales FAQ suggests that in the future, the game will add more content that is “simply pretty or poetic”.
The game appears insistent on all avatars being gender neutral and experience the world as just deer. Not a male deer. Not a female deer. There is an explanation in the FAQ, but of course, all of the gender-free deer have antlers that are typical of a stag.
On another note, the article also mentions the Independent Games Festival coming up in San Francisco. Check it out at
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sneak preview of Group 3 project
Our objectives include designing and building an attractive and avatar-friendly environment that will represent a UF landmark, such as the bandshell or the Reitz amphitheater. We also hope to plan a live event at the site and test avatar response for quality of experience. More details on who we will target, how we will invite them to participate, and exactly what we will measure will be forthcoming. Group 5's wiki idea is great! I think we'll be implementing the same planning tool for our group.
Team 3 members, please feel free to chime in!
Quick Question for Mac Users
So I have some GREAT news, and some horrible news.
GREAT news: My mac came in today!!
Horrible news: I installed Second Life on it, and every time I log on, my whole computer freezes.
Seeing as how my Mac is extremely new and has OSX Leopard and pretty much all the memory on the planet, I just wanted to know if anyone else is having or has had this problem.
I talked to one of the people in my group about it, and he says he has Leopard and SL runs just fine on it, so it can't be that SL is Leopard's archnemesis.
Any tips/pointers??
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Group 1 Project Info
We are going to investigate user task preferences for earning L$ in Second Life. What we are thinking of is building a structure that contains from 3-5 task choices. We have not decided on what tasks yet (suggestions are welcome) but for now we are thinking about camping, filling out a survey, building a simple object (think sweatshop!), and whatever else seems feasible. We will go out and recruit participants. Participants will be teleported to the structure. After reading a consent form (gotta love IRB) users will then select a task. Each task will be balanced for how much time they take to complete (e.g., all the tasks will take 15 minutes). Upon completion of the task they will receive L$ and be teleported out of the building.
We have not set a price yet but we want to make it significant enough to attract participants.
Participants can only choose one task and they can only participate once. We think this will inform two questions:
1) What common tasks do people prefer to perform for L$
2)Whatever questions we ask on the survey task! (probably questions like where do they spent time and money in SL, how long they have been a resident, do they own a business in SL? in RL? demographic data, etc...)
We would then report frequency and descriptive statistics for task preference and report the results of whatever we decide to ask on the survey task.
One other thing we would like to do is have small forced choice mini-survey at the beginning or end of each task (no matter what task they choose) so that we can further subdivide task preference based on user characteristics.
This is the idea. We have no idea how we are going to make any of it happen but thats where group 1 is as of last night.
Unusual Virtual Business
-Ryan Weiss "Dustin Siddeley"
Builder's room up
Please keep it tidy and let me (Oshi Leakey) know if you have any problems.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Emory anyone?
The program is:
A public forum to discuss both research and long-term implications of virtual and real-world interactions with regard to commerce, politics, and society. The four panels to be held are:
1. Evolution of Virtual Worlds
2. Emerging Virtual Institutions both in Business and Politics
3. Mirrored Influence of Virtual and Real-World Elements
4. Possible Futures of Virtual Worlds and Society
For an invitation to this event, contact The Halle Institute.
I've volunteered to try to coordinate any travel for those of you who may want to go. Atlanta is about 5 hours north, so we're probably looking at a Sunday departure, one night there, and return after the forum concludes at 4:00. Anyone interested in attending? Anyone interested in driving? Any recommendations on accommodations? I'm planning on going/driving (can accommodate 4 passengers). Just let me know if you have an interest.
WSJ article and reaction
I found this article quite interesting, especially considering that the likes of the WSJ is posting about SL on its website. The WSJ is generally geared to audience that I would imagine isn't too entrenched in the SL world, free marketing for SL?
We spoke last class about the very issue of regulation and keeping avatars responsible for there actions. I never thought about the fact that people might have real money in these banks and not be able to withdraw it in the near future if they never re-open. I do believe however that the some of the people who started banks had the right idea, all a bank does is borrow at low rates from depositors to invest in higher return projects. Alot of the banks in SL were doing just that, however many of the projects they undertook went bust. It might be in lew of Linden Labs to create some sort of FDIC insure plan for the chartered banks so that SLers aren't afraid to deposit money into the new banks. It would be very difficult to develop a true economy without a banking system in SL. Who knows, maybe one day we will see the virtual banks giving out loans to avatars to buy property and automobiles???
More and more I realize that the opportunities for SL are truly endless. In my mind this world is still remarkably underdeveloped...what everyone recognizes as an "economy" in SL is really nothing more than a trading system of goods and money. In time I can't imagine the effect of a truly developed economy with banks and lending systems in the SL world. The question I ponder is how much Linden Labs will push the development of the economy through regulation, or just leave it up to survival of the fittest and free market competition to determine its future???
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Photography Tutorial
Please remember to take a picture of your group in SL and email it to me along with a description of what you talked about in your in world meeting.
Rules of Machinima?
Adventures and misadventures in SL
Along the same lines, there's a wonderful book out there by Henry Jenkins from Compartive Media Studies at MIT called Convergence Culture. (I know a few of you have had this as assigned reading for an MMC class) I most highly recommend it! It will make you think about how all the current traditional media are beginning to incorporate new media in their distribution mix in order to be competitive (think CSI/New York in SL). Also, given the current writer's strike in Hollywood and the debates surrounding their future, especially given the options now available online for entertainment, I don't think we can ignore the impact of VW technologies on our future, for information, entertainment and commerce. Just look at what the internet and blogs have done to the news industry!
As for the question of addiction, it's HUGE and a study all its own. I can't help but think that video game/MMOG addiction is no different than any other addiction. It's always about escape, and as long as people feel they must escape their reality (even if for a brief amount of time), they will find a way, whether through drugs, alcohol, television, exercise, food, sex... well, you get the picture... I'll go back to what we discussed last week. There's GOT to be balance!
Then, finally, perhaps many of you saw the post in the Slrl Digest listserv regarding the conference at Emory. Any interest in a possible roadtrip? Pre-registration is required... and there's no cost for registration. The link to the event is:
Man saves life in real world after playing Army video games
More thoughts along these lines will follow.
What is Yoda thinking?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Ender's Game?
As I was reading through Anda’s Game, it struck me that had this been written even just 10 years ago, it would’ve been classified as much more science fiction rather than plain old regular fiction. One of the only areas that we've come close to reaching the high arching predictions of such sci-fi is personal entertainment, especially with computers. We don't have holodecks or Matrix plugs yet, but I'd say we've come a pretty far way in a short span of time.
Another thing I was wondering is what was the time frame of Anda's Game, possibly a few years in the future? In real life there are still no games that are quite as immersive as Anda’s Game describes, at least in my personal experience. I've never really been able to get that much involved with massively multiplayer online games because there's always been a certain disconnect with the gameplay. I suppose it would require universally higher bandwidth to have that kind of intense action, because RPG style play which is usually necessary in the massively online world is not enough to immerse me. I wouldn't say that I am a hardcore gamer, but I think I would probably at least be classified as one of the "gamers" that Brandon was talking about. I need to have some sort of objective and competition to enjoy a game, so Second Life really seems like just another form of work to me at this point. Hopefully over the course of this class I will be able to learn more about it and gain some new appreciation for the MMO style games.
Gamer vs. Non-Gamer
Something cool

Yesterday I went to Little Mos Eisley, part of the star wars conglomerate that has taken Second Life by storm, or so it seemed. Seems like second life has virtually every major planet/city in the star wars universe, complete with roleplaying games and such. So, I started chatting with one of the land owners on Mos Eisley, he was so happy that I put the observer tag on during their role playing game to distinguish myself as an out of character participant that he gave me $50 linden. Which is like... $.20 or something if you do the conversion. But anyway, it was really nice of him... So I put the money and my artistic talents to good use and spend all of monday figuring out how the sculpted primitive system works. It turns out that it is a multi step pain in the ass. But I guess its ok. I gave the man $20 and in return I got to wear I helmet that took me 6 hours to make. Now I have two questions.... How do I get someone to buy this thing, and are there any artists out there who think they can help create fancy content with me?
that is all
How do you behave in second life?
For myself, I have an avatar that looks as much like me as I could make it. Well, as much like me as I could make it in the 15 minutes I spent on it, spending more time than that is not worth it to me. And I behave much the same. I am pretty introverted in real life and I find myself walking around groups of people to intentionally avoid contact in SL the same way I would in real life. While I could look completely different and be outgoing, I have no desire to do this. I wonder if certain groups of people tend to be more like their real life personalities than others? For example, are introverts more likely to be like their real selves?
Anyone else?
Anda's Game
>Do you know who these people are that you're killing?
She didn't answer, but she had an idea. She killed four more and shook out her wrists.
> They're working for less than a dollar a day. The shirts they make are traded for gold and the gold is sold on eBay. Once their avatars have leveled up, they too are sold off on eBay. They're mostly young girls supporting their families. They're the lucky ones: the unlucky ones work as prostitutes.
> The bosses used to use bots, but the game has countermeasures against them. Hiring children to click the mouse is cheaper than hiring programmers to circumvent the rules. I've been trying to unionize them because they've got a very high rate of injury. They have to play for 18-hour shifts with only one short toilet break. Some of them can't hold it in and they soil themselves where they sit.
> look
she typed, exasperated.
> it's none of my lookout, is it. the world's like that. lots of people with no money. im just a kid, theres nothing i can do about it.
> When you kill them, they don't get paid.
no porfa necesito mi plata
> When you kill them, they lose their day's wages. Do you know who is paying you to do these killings?
they're wrecking the game economy and they're providing a gold-for-cash supply that lets rich noobies buy their way in. They don't care about the game and neither do you
The kids in the sweatshops were being exploited by grownups. It was why their situation was so impossible: the adults who were supposed to be taking care of them were exploiting them.
Questions about the Castronova Article
Castranova, E. (2001) Virtual worlds: A first-hand account of market and society on the Cyberian frontier. CESifo Working Paper No. 618. (39 pages)
Do you agree that virtual worlds are the “future of e-commerce?” Why?
“In Yee's study, many people used the term 'addiction' to describe their own behavior, perceiving their time in the VW as a source of serious conflict with various Earth activities and relationships. If we take the economist's view, however, and see their behavior as rational choice, we must conclude that VWs offer something that is perhaps a bit more than a mere entertainment to which the players have become addicted. Rather, they offer an alternative reality, a different country in which one can live most of one's life if one so chooses.”
What do VW’s offer that RW does not? How is that more attractive than RW?
Any inequality in the VW can only be due to one of two things: a) a person's choices when creating the avatar, or b) their subsequent actions in the VW.
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Avatars come to view themselves as specialized agents, much as workers in a developed economy do. The avatar's skills will determine whether the avatar will be a demander or supplier of various goods and services in the VW. Each avatar develops a social role.
Agree or disagree? Why?
Developing the avatar's skills takes time; monsters must be killed, axes must be forged, quests must be completed. The result of all this effort, which can take hundreds of hours, is "avatar capital": an enhancement of the avatar's capabilities through training. In most VWs, capital is given by a number called the "level," so that an avatar at level 6 who kills 100 kobolds is given an increase to level 7. With that increase comes an enhancement of the avatar's abilities, which then makes the avatar a more attractive social contact. The avatar faces the same sort of social reward systems as are found in earth society.
What social reward systems do you find in SL? Are they similar or dissimilar to RL? How?
Do you agree that scarcity is what makes VW’s compelling? Why or why not?
“It is important to stress that the external market for Norrathian goods is underground. Sony has stated that Norrathian items are its intellectual property (Sandoval, 2001). Trading these items for US currency is considered theft.”
What do you think of this policy? Is it better to give intellectual property to users? Why or why not?
What is the effect of inflation/deflation in VW’s on RW economies?
How can VW’s induce widespread changes in the organization of earth society?
Avenues for expansion
I think that it will take a great deal of demonstration on the many benefits of SL to start. Possibly the most important factor in the expansion of SL will be perception. Even amidst the development of basically everything in going online, there is still a negative connotation associated with online worlds and/or gaming. Growing up, parents were always telling me and my friends to "go outside and stop playing video games." I thank them for that, because I think it has helped me develop into a better, more social person. Gamers and people who spend a tremendous amount of time online are often perceived as extremely introverted people, and sometimes it is even assumed that they cannot interact in a real-life environment.
What I am saying is that for SL to expand (especially to a younger audience), parents will need to be "won over." The best way to do this is to promote SL as a "healthy" online experience. If academic advances or other features that will appeal to parents are not made and marketed well, many children will not be given the option to use second life at all, much less on a regular basis...