Friday, February 14, 2014

A Strong Female Lead: Weeds

Although it is definitely becoming more common for television shows to have a strong female lead, I think that Weeds is one of the best examples of this. If you are not very familiar with the show, Nancy Botwin is a newly widowed mom of two boys from the upper-class suburban community of Agrestic. To deal with the financial issues that have been left to her, and to maintain her wealthy lifestyle, Nancy decides to become a drug dealer. This show follows her, her family, and the crew of miscreants that surround her, as she struggles to sustain her image, yet change it all at the same time. Nancy quickly finds herself in to deep, and when I began watching this show, I was ready to give up hope for her in the first couple of episodes. But the situations that she gets herself into are what make this show so interesting. She always seems to pull things together, even in the worst-case scenarios. What is so great (at least in the first three seasons) is that even her predicaments are always surprising and complex. The writing in the show is quite original and all the while it keeps Nancy’s integrity.

The one complaint that I do have about this show is the quality of the later seasons. Eventually it becomes difficult to sympathize with Nancy, and it is hard to believe that she is making choices for the sake of her family and not herself. Besides the later seasons decreasing in quality, I think that the first three seasons of Weeds are some of TVs finest. The show is entertaining, funny, takes plenty of risks, and has an incredibly strong Weeds a chance.
female lead. To anyone who is interested, I would definitely give

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