Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hi guys, really looking...

Hi guys, really looking for want to see you in real life on Tuesday, this like the way you supposed that I directly from my cell phone using jott and this is how I suggest you [..] delete from [..] they once that are actually going there, so see you Tuesday. Bye. listen

Powered by Jott


arturo said...

lol! apparently Jott did not get my accent. Hmmm, I have to speak more clearly I guess. Anyway, I think it is a really fun tool (specially for those with good diction. In any case "voice recognition" is advancing rapidly, it is a TOUGH problem.
If you want to try it out just tell me and I will add you to my group so you can post directly from the road if you have a great big idea!

Ghais Issa said...

I once wrote a script to control my computer from jott.
I will send jotts to myself, which i will receive in my email. I had the program watching my emails. and whenever i got a jott from myself it will parse it and execute the commands.
I managed for example to add events to my google calendar, start stop certain applications and servers, get a text msg of my schedule to my cell phone, txt msg of road direction through integration with google maps (that was before the goog411 thing)... and a bunch of other features.

arturo said...

That is top cool! I used to do that with my Amiga which even today I consider the best personal computer that ever was. You could do that with simple scripting that was facilitated by the great OS. I miss the Amiga and the philosophy behind it. Why is it that big corporations tend to squash any great idea, product or whatever? Microsoft bought Softimage, one of the best 3D programs only to kill it. Commodore did that to the Amiga. Oh well, what is new.

BTW that link you posted about the Arabic numerals being all about angles is fun . I had heard that on a PBS program that showed a math teacher teaching kids with very interesting techniques, everybody was having a whale of a time, laughing and learning. What happened to that?