Wednesday, February 6, 2008

And The War Goes On...

In the tenor of my previous post here is this other sample by the "American Military University":

"We cannot begin to predict where and when terrorists will strike until we understand them. For that, we must study them. Take the next step in advancing your career by receiving an
undergraduate or graduate certificate in terrorism studies."

How long for an
undergraduate or graduate certificate in cyber-terrorism do you predict?

Somewhere inside their site I found a rather curious idea by the
Director of National Security Law who suggests "taxing" terrorists on their financial activities... Say what? That gives an entirely new meaning to the phrase "your taxes working for you"!


Bryan Konrad said...

This just sounds like it's along the lines of most of what happens in Washington, $$$.

DMBrown said...

Second Life and other virtual worlds as platforms for training and education of public safety responders is exactly why I got into Second Life, after four years of teaching criminal justice on the flat web. AMU is targeting potential students already working in the national security sector with its bachelors programs in political science, international relations, and homeland security.

Some homeland security first responder training is already taking place in SL or competing worlds:

Idaho Bioterrorism Awareness and Preparedness Program's Play2Train

Welcome to the CATT Lab!
Virtual Incident Management Training Software

I'm sure the cyber-security degrees programs will be along from a variety of educational institution, as agencies and organizations try to protect networked assets, at the same time as they are trying to provide services and products.

The taxing terrorists idea is a variation on a strategy that agencies fighting drug trafficking have used for years. Forfieture proceedings against property of convicted drug dealers has provided police departments with cars, real estate, and other property to be sold or obtained by the agency for use for free.
