Friday, March 28, 2014

Always Sunny

A huge part of taking on the roll of director is to be inspired with other works of great films or television shows. For a raunchy comedy about incompetent, low class kids taking on a major heist, television show Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a major inspiration on the outlook of my film. They’re delusional, alcoholic losers with a superiority complex. They live in filth and huff glue and do many, many idiotic things. They live a very similar lifestyle to the characters in my film so a ton of the diologue and character relationships are based off of the three main characters in Always Sunny.  Mac, Dennis, Dee, Charlie and Frank are selfish, but they are honest to one another. They bicker and backstab and yell—and there is quite a bit of yelling. Yet, no matter how much blood is shed and bullets are fired in a twenty-minute episode, the gang sits around shooting the shit in the end. These people are the definition of BFFs. This show I can never get sick of, and apart of who I desire to be in the future stems from there work.

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