Friday, April 19, 2013


Generally when you hear somethings been verified by the acquaintance of a friend you're not exactly willing to believe that the information is true. In this case I was told that John Whedon's TV series "Firefly", was something worth taking a look at. I'm happy to say that once curiosity gnawed at me long enough and I finally watched an episode or two,  I found "Firefly" to actually be pretty interesting.

Basically it seems to be a space western series in the far future. The main plot revolves around the crew of the Firefly Class ship Serenity, their lives as smugglers on the edge of known space and how they interact with each other. There's also this odd mix of Eastern and Western Culture (using chop sticks, knives, and forks to eat, mixing of the English and Chinese languages, ect) that can be  really fascinating to anyone who likes to people watch.

 So far this series seems to be really interesting, but it did have some problems in the beginning. The opening scene to this series seems to be a battle, which doesn't really go anywhere. Another  downside is that it seems that this show was never really finished. "Firefly" first aired in September 2002 and was canceled in December of the same year after airing only eleven episodes out of fourteen.

Despite how short this series seems to be, I look forward to watching more of it.

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