Monday, February 22, 2010

What should I do?

I like the NING idea but not sure which category to use? (Network, Music) For the Wiki I don't know how it works? Do you actually control, for example, from users comments, what you keep, and what you delete?
I am a little discouraged seeing all hymns websites I visited, having everything, I feel like I don't have much to add in the field...
I want to do something kind of innovative, kind of unique...
I'm wondering if I should not go back to my translation project idea... ???

1 comment:

arturo said...

The NING is painless to use and very fast to set up. So just choose your top category and DO IT! CHoose a name that reflects the IDEA.

You can control what you keep and what you delete, but the idea is that you create a community (forum) where the issue/s can be discussed and added to.
But your main question remains "What should I do?", well that is something you must answer as a designer. WHY are you designing this? What is the need? what are you adding to what is there already. What do you see that sites that you have seen need or don't provide? We design to SOLVE a problem. What is the problem?

You are passionate about the subject, I don't think there is time to change paths at this point but just to forge ahead!