Monday, February 8, 2010

Virtual Reality-collage

In the Digital Nation Broadcast of Douglas Rushkoff, I listened and read about the time children spend with Electronics, whether it be Web, Internet, Games, Entertainment, etc. I believe the statistics of 53 hours per week children spend, besides their use of computers for academics or homework, this is just unbelievable. Personally, I think that children should be given opportunities for real life experiences, such as playing sports in teams, or music in bands, etc. Of course what's nice about discussing those issues is that recommendations are being made for schools and parents to direct usage of computers toward a creative way, and not just let be the children passive consumers of entertainment.

So here is this little girl, falling asleep doing her homework, but her eyes are still watching, her eye glasses symbolize her dreams, her virtual life that keeps staying awake, even when her real body is physically asleep. The collage is only on the eyeglasses, but it's making a whole new meaning to the Homework to be done, with an eye on the book, virtually speaking.

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