Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Can't Wait For Breaking Bad!

It's been a few months since part one of season five of Breaking Bad concluded and I just cannot wait to see the final eight episodes. I began watching Breaking Bad this past summer on Netflix and I was instantly hooked. I watched episode after episode and could not stop hitting the "Next Episode" button. Instead of crystal meth, my drug was Breaking Bad. I must have watched the entire series in a couple of weeks.

Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who finds out that he has terminal cancer and begins making crystal meth to provide for his family is the main character of the series. All of the characters are incredibly well developed and intriguing but my personal favorite is Walter's meth dealing, drug addict, high school dropout, Jesse Pinkman played by Aaron Paul. The way that the character Jesse has developed and evolved throughout the series is truly amazing. He goes from a low life drug addict in season one to a drug kingpin and badass by season five.

I think the final eight episodes are going to be exhilarating and suspenseful. Although no one knows exactly what is going to happen in the final eight, I think Hank Shrader, Walter White's DEA Agent brother-in-law, is going to find out that Walt is the drug kingpin he has been searching for all along. There are bound to be many twists and cliffhangers and nothing is for certain. But one thing for sure is that the final eight episodes of Breaking Bad are going to worth watching.

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