Monday, May 2, 2011

Ideas for Fiction Field II

- A gang of teens tries to rob a bank to get cash for Spring Break. They inadvertently set fire to the building and all but one is killed. (This is actually good. Dammit. I was going for spoofable ideas here.)

- Oh, here's one: Sex romp featuring a vampire and a nerdy kid in high school. Have corny name such as "Love At First Bite" or "Blood Lust" or "Twi-Boobs."

- A few hipster kids frolic in the forest, smoke a hookah, and talk about obscure bands. The climax of the film is when one of the girl characters doesn't know who Band of Horses is.

- Mimi, a young stripper, decides to turn her set one night into a song and dance. She is fired, but discovered by a talent agent who is visiting. They fall in love and she becomes successful, but not without opposition from Betty, a veteran actress who sees her as nothing more than "filth."

- A robot spends two hours being sexually frustrated and humping things at a gas station.

- A weird kid creates a robot girl for his pleasure. She ends up killing him and going out with the school jock. Moral of the story: Creepy kids don't win. Ever.

- White privileged people feel bad about destroying an indigenous world. Everyone's also blue. And -- oh yeah -- we rip something straight out of TV Tropes. "Unobtainium?" It's been almost three years and I will still not forgive James Cameron for that.

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