Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Avant dernier poste du semestre

I have been putting together 2 more movies for my presentation, that makes 3 in all. I am wondering how long will everyone have to present? (in terms of maximum and minimum) - I also invited Dr. Miriam Zech, professor of music from the Music Department here at UF.

I really liked the presentation of Scot McCloud on Understanding Comics. I put the link to it on top by the title. What I liked the most about his ideas is the one where the cartoonist has the reader (viewer) see the panels, within the panels, and then imagine in between the panels. So between the panels there is nothing to see but there is a space to imagine. I like very much this idea. Music rests (in French "silences = 1 beat - pause = 2 beats) corresponds to this idea visually, because it is in the silent moments between sounds that you can most hear (by guessing, sensing) what's coming next.

Best wishes to Arturo and Anton in the Conference, we've been missing you guys today. I hope someone gets to record you and we can get to see the presentation too...

1 comment:

Jen Meyerson said...

Arturo told me to prepare a 5 minute presentation.