Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My sheer excitement for our final project!

After we get past this scene recreation project, we're moving immediately on to our final project. What? Are you kidding? That's ridiculous! Yeah, it is. It's ridiculously awesome! I could not be more excited to start working on the project as soon as possible.

To begin, I'll be working with the group focusing on the poem about a man's struggle with OCD. I personally think it's a very interesting story with which countless artistic, creative things can be done in the film medium. I'm not exactly sure which direction our group will head in with portraying the story, but being able to take a person's personal story and shape it in our own way will be an experience which I haven't experienced before. At least I think I haven't. The groundwork is laid down for us, but now we have pretty much as much freedom as we need to do whatever we want with the story.

Here's the poem...

In addition to the actually story we're presenting, the group of people I'm working with also attributes to my level of excitement for this project. Having worked with a few of my group members in the past, I know that they are very dedicated, creative people who certainly know what they're doing. For those in the group who I haven't worked with before, I have complete and utter faith in their work. While I may not have worked with most of the group before, I've seen some of their work, and as long as they match--or maybe even surpass--what I've seen of theirs in the past, I'm absolutely positive I'll be blown away with their work this year. During the few discussions I've had with some of my group members, I can already tell that they all have some great ideas for the production, as well. Also, it's simply a wonderful group of beautiful people.

Here's the best part. Some people would argue that a larger group project is too difficult a thing to do. They'd say that it's simply too complicated and annoying to work with so many people and to plan around so many different personal schedules. Forget them. They're wrong. Can working with a larger number of people be more complicated than working with fewer? Yes. I'm not saying it's not, but the extra complication certainly comes with its benefits. Think about it. Unlike last year where you'd have 3 people in a group where everyone helped with everything, each person can now be assigned a specific job in the production. Instead of having 3 people crowded around one table while writing the script, drawing out the storyboards, or editing, one person will do each of these things. It takes the complication out of everyone worrying about everything. Now each group member can focus their complete attention and effort towards their part of the project. That's not to say that every member won't help one another with each step of the production process, but each member will now be able to focus on the certain part of the production that they love to do and excel at. As long as everyone does their job, it'll work out much better than in the past. Just wait and see.

Let's not forget about the equipment. I mean, seriously. These new cameras we get to use are unbelievable compared to the ones in the past. They're quality pieces of equipment! They're able to do things that the JVC100 were never capable of doing. I couldn't have even dreamed of something so wonderful. They can shoot in slow-motion! How cool is that?! I could go on for hours about the FS100's features but I'd probably bore you. I really just wanted to bring it up and emphasis all of its awesomeness.

I cannot wait to get started on this project. I'm hoping--and planning--on finishing with a product that I'll want to show to everyone I know. Let's go Los Jalepeños! Or El Dorado? We haven't quite decided on a group name yet...

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