Friday, October 5, 2012

Fight Club

So far this year, I have been using this blog to motivate myself to see all the movies I have wanted to see, but never had the chance.  This week has been no exception.

This week I sat down and watched a movie many people I know rave about, Fight Club.  

Up until a couple minutes ago I had no idea who was in the film, what it was about, or any comprehension of the film at all.  Im assuming everyone who has seen this movie was equally as blown away as I was.  To anyone who has not seen the movie I highly recommend it but feel free to keep reading, I will not spoil it.

The movie stars Ed Norton who is only  referred to as "the narrator" in the credits, and Brad Pitt who plays Tyler Durden.  Ed Norton's plays a character plagued by insomnia.  He tries many methods to alleviate it, and many succeed but leave him feeling empty and without a purpose.  He then meets Tyler Durden.  Tyler Durdens take on life captivates Ed Norton's character and the two of them come together and start Fight Club.  As the first rule of Fight Club goes, no talking about fight club, that will conclude the synopsis so I don't ruin even a little bit for those of you who have not seen it.

The film was directed by David Fincher.  The movie is made to mimic the lives of its main characters.  All scenes are filmed at night, in a broken down house, a gloomy office, and create overall dismal scenes.  The scenes with Brad Pitt however, seem to have a certain flair to them.  Whether it is his flamboyant outfits, pink soap, or maybe even a stay light illuminating him in a dark basement, he carries  a certain aura with him through the movie.

All I can really say about it is watch it.  Even if you already saw it do it again.  Its an excellent display of filmmaking, acting, and it gives you a mental sweat on top of it.

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