Friday, September 21, 2012

David Lynch

One of the most interesting filmmakers that I know of has to be David Lynch. Out of all the main stream director's that I know of, his films are always the ones that seem the most out of the ordinary. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I really enjoy his films and yet I couldn't really tell you why. They're bizarre, weird, crazy and yet I love them. To start things off here's a short film of his called The Alphabet.

Yes I know that that video is pretty strange but that's who Lynch is.

The first movie I saw of Lynch's was his first; Eraserhead; which is...interesting to say the least. It's a movie that puts you into a very fragile state of mind and it psychologically messes with you. It's a movie that I would highly recommend though because it gives you the sense of who David Lynch is and if you enjoy that one, you'll definitely like all of his others.

Watching Lynch's movies is an experience that I can't quite explain and I would recommend watching at least a couple things by him. Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks to name a few. Watching his films is an interesting experience that will stay with you for a while after they're done with. Watch if you dare.

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