Friday, April 26, 2013

It's bigger on the inside.

As I procrastinate doing work for finals I find myself catching up on shows that I am not up to date on. I found myself watching the new episodes of Doctor Who, and I hate to say it, but I am not impressed. After such a great start to the season with Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Power of Three, and The Angels Take Manhattan; this half of the season just seems so bland and uneventful.

I understand that they are trying to introduce a new companion and story to go with her, but the episodes just seem so slow and uneventful. They did it just fine with Amy Pond, so why are they messing it up so badly now?  The mid-season opener, The Bells of Saint John, did not compare at all to the start of the fifth season, The Eleventh Hour. I am actually upset because I had high hopes for Jenna-Louise Coleman as a companion, but it seems like this season is set to be the worst yet in my opinion. 
I really hope this season picks up soon, because I would hate to have this show killed for me. I would have to bury it between Heroes and Prison Break.

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