Sunday, October 23, 2011

"I aim to misbehave."

After the last class with Steve Gordon, we talked for a little about TV shows that, despite being amazing, were cancelled. I mentioned Firefly as one of those shows, and thought I would write a post about that show.

Now, I'm not a huge Joss Whedon fan in general. I haven't seen a lot of Buffy or Angel, and from what I have seen I enjoy it, but they're not something I would devote massive amounts of time to watching. But this show was a work of art. The writing is quick, witty, poignant, and has plots that keep you guessing forever.

This is a show that should never have gotten cancelled. I have never spoken to one person who had seen Firefly who didn't absolutely love it. Everything down to the physics in space is well thought out and brilliant.

Since Firefly only lasted one season, a movie was made to complete the story - Serenity.

It explores many themes, like control and familial love. We wonder how much the government should be allowed to interfere in peoples lives and brains (because, as a result of the government attempting to control and make placid an entire planet of people, a horrible type of "person" was created - Reavers.)

Long story short, I miss this show. It could have been made even greater than it was.

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