Friday, February 21, 2014

After the Fact

Before you say anything about the content of this video, you should probably watch it first. Watch it with the sound off if you hate techno that much...or turn it the f*** up if you want to jam out by yourself. This is the official Ultra 2013 after movie which only exists to remind you to buy tickets for next year or remind you of how much fun you had that you possibly don't remember. I've never been to Ultra but from what I can tell by this video they have a large camera crew going around talking to concert goers and capturing the big DJs performing on stage. Whether you enjoy techno music or not making a 17 minute music video out of raw footage from a music festival is no easy task. The shots are absolutely beautiful and it seems like the cameramen were looking in the right place at just the right time to catch the drop in the song or this super hot girl dancing in a crowd. But lets say Ultra is too much to handle for you right now. Posted below are two videos, one from Electric Forrest and one from Bisco. Both are official videos I assume produced by the company running the concerts.
As you can probably tell by now, all three use similar techniques and camera movements if you watch them closely. Slow motion is also a very popular technique usually used in both these videos. The effect is a closer look at the grand picture of the whole event, which is tough to capture at a large festival event like Ultra. What both of these videos do well is capture the excitement and energy of the event while syncing the frames you see on screen with the music you hear in the after movie. Obviously a techno music festival will play the same music in the after movie video because it matches up to what's going on onscreen. Another element that shouldn't be ignored is the overall narrative of the video. It is a three day event and it takes you from the beginning when "you" arrive at the gates of the festival grounds to the end when girls are crying their faces off over Swedish House Mafia's last performance ever. I feel like this is important not only for the casual viewer to see what it's like but also for the hardcore Ultra fans to say "Wow, that's exactly how it went down." In the end, these videos and the many more that exist of this nature, are a nostalgia-based recap of what ticket holders' experiences SHOULD have been in addition to their own supplementary memories. After-movies...replacing memories with better ones one year at a time. 

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