Friday, January 24, 2014

Everything Wrong With...

Almost all movies strive to have perfect continuity throughout, but in theory some continuity errors are bound to happen. Some may happen because the scene was shot on two different days or some can just happen because we are humans and we aren't always perfect. There are just hundreds of reasons why. Youtuber CinemaSins states "No movie is without sin. We exist mostly just to remind you of that." CinemaSins is popular on Youtube with 1,585,174 subscribers and 188,989,171 views on all his videos combined. CinemaSins has combed through multiple movies looking for these continuity errors which people may or may not pick up when they are just watching the movie for for themselves. After he calculates how many errors are in the movies he creates a video showing all the errors and explain why they are continuity errors. I found it truly fascinating how he is able pick up all of these errors. One of my favorite videos he has posted was Everything Wrong With Back to the Future in 8 Minutes or Less.
There are 55 errors, or sins as CinemaSins calls them, in this movie, which is pretty high compared to other movies he has gone through. I have seen this movie at least thirty times throughout my life time and have not picked up a single one of these errors. There were sins from the appearance of Doc in his Delorean to the nerd level  of George McFly.  Ater watching this video I have to watch the movie over again to see for mine own eyes these errors. I have watched many more of CinemaSins videos and I will definitely not see those movies like I used to. I definitely recommend watching other videos that have been posted by CinemaSins you never know what you will find.

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