Friday, April 19, 2013

Frames per second

As the end of the semester nears, I start to reflect back on everything we learned in Fiction Field 1.  I have to say, I was glad to finally know what "shutter speed", "ISO" and "frames per second" meant, as we didn't really learn all of those terms in Intro to Field.  I also gave me a great new respect for this new YouTube channel I found.

They call themselves "The Slow Mo Guys".  And they very well deserve it too.  They film some pretty cool stuff at insane number of frames per second.  Wanna see?

It amazes me.  One thing we learned in Fiction Field though is the higher the FPS, the less light comes through the camera.  So shooting at such high FPS must cause some type of lighting issues for these guys.  I would love to see the camera they shoot these on.

I spent hours watching these videos, it's awesome how things look in slow motion.  They don't even look real.

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