So this semester I finally got into a TV show that many of my friends have been pestering me to watch for years - Doctor Who. I was hesitant at first to be honest. A show about aliens just didn't seem like it would appeal to me, but I've quickly fallen in love with it.
For those who don't know, Doctor Who is about a 900 year old Time Lord (that's a kind of alien) who travels around time and space with a human companion in a blue police box. If you're someone who hasn't really seen it, this may seem like a super odd concept...which it is. It has been on television ever since 1963, which is pretty cool. My Dad actually saw the very first episode as it was being broadcasted live (he's British, so it makes sense). In the old Doctor Who the special effects were pretty adorable...meaning terrible, but hey, it was the 1960s! Here's the first part of the very first episode.
Thankfully in the new series (which returned in 2005 after a 9 year hiatus) the special effects are better. They're not always superb, but they try.
Sometimes this show is pure brilliance! Great stories, scary monsters, witty dialogue, and superb acting, but when it's bad it's pretty terrible. But Whovians (which is what super fans of the show are called) love to pick apart the episodes and find plot holes and just discuss the show for hours. I do that.
The tenth doctor, David Tennant, is arguably the best doctor thus far. Here's a clip of one of my favorite moments with him.
All in all, this is strangely one of my favorite shows. It took me a few episodes to get into it, but now I can't imagine my life without the doctor and his blue box. It sounds strange that a show that can be as hokey as this one has had such a big impact on my life, but it has. I strongly encourage everyone to watch at least a little!
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