Thursday, January 7, 2010

A mind of my own!

I am not sure how to go with this as I have kept away from blogging for many reasons. That task will take a great deal of discipline from me because it is usually difficult for me to put words on things that are going on inside my brain. Moreover as I am registered into two of Mr Sinclair's classes some of my posting may overlap. In fact today, I experienced a phenomenon that I was familiar with while studying Latin and Spanish at the same time. I was thinking about visualization while in the game course. And I have been asking myself if these fields are not interconnected. I assume yes particularly after seeing prototype of the work of previous students.

So today I was thinking about an interactive wall poster. A search revealed that someone taught about that and I am integrating the link here if you are curious.
I know we must think about the future but in my case I have to work in a particular 3D the past the present and the potential future because I want to create things that are feasible in Haiti. Third world countries are seriously particular because of huge discrepancies. But instead of focusing on the few (2%) that have constant access to high tech I want to develop something that would be innovative but that focus on this context. If I close my eyes I am seeing a giant poster that looks like an iphone screen and that is based on solar energy.

I will stop...for now!

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought of creating a website filled with these interactive utilities such as your poster idea? Once this is created, you could bring a solar computer with satellite internet, maybe even a projection device to portray larger displays. In terms of hardware, the cost would probably match up, however the computer with internet option would allow the exploration of other resources worldwide, and possibly allow kids to experience things they may not be fortunate enough to ever see.
